
Hi! My name is Chris and I am the owner of Scent Your World. Our goal at Scent Your World is to make the world’s best smelling candles and accessories. But first! Can I tell you a story?

I have 3 beautiful daughters who are the most important things in my world. Also, I have been working construction for 25 years and my back hurts. I was looking for something less physically taxing that I could do for a business. Something I could do with my daughters. Something I could build and leave to them when I am gone. I have always been a do it yourself kind of guy. I taught myself carpentry in the years before the internet. I have brewed beer and played chess. All learned through books and trial and error, so I knew I could figure out candle making. Well, after much effort, I believe I can make a top notch candle.

So, now I offer them to you. From me and mine to you and yours. Enjoy!